poklonskaya_snip_from_videoI knew almost nothing about this lady, Natalya Poklonskaya, the Crimea chief prosecutor. But I loved the video.

I see her as one of the newer generation of Light workers who has to tackle missions that interface with current situations on this planet. The video ends with Poklonskaya sending an origami boat to a little girl (presumably Ukrainian) showing two children holding hands, one with Ukraine colors (yellow and blue), the other Russian colors (white, blue, red).

Here's a snip from this RT article.

"The "nyash-myash" bit was apparently taken out from Poklonskaya's own reaction to her becoming an anime star and receiving a Russian nickname of Nyasha – to which she replied that she would prefer to be perceived as a prosecutor and will not allow any "nyash" or "myash" while at her post.

"It is believed that Poklonskaya took the job after four of her male colleagues refused to take the risk days ahead of the March 16 Crimean referendum on independence from Ukraine, in which 96.77 percent of voters chose to join Russia. The Black Sea republic was then accepted into the Russian Federation on March 21."



Crimean prosecutor music clip hits 3.7 mn views in three days

The internet fame of Crimea's chief prosecutor, Natalya Poklonskaya, rages on. A patchy music clip made from Poklonskaya's videos has scored millions of views on YouTube, with a celebrity opposition figure calling the attorney a "sex symbol of Russia."

Footage of Poklonskaya's emotional speech on the coup d'état and "chaos" in Ukraine has been making rounds on the internet since March, but this is the first time it has been set to music.

The chorus of the music mix, compiled by an anonymous internet DJ known only by his alias 'Enjoykin,' could certainly be described as simplistic.