For non-technical fun, just go to 49 minutes and enjoy the message (and watch the "Vienna girls jumping up and down" part at the end!!)...

Thought I'd post this separately from the last post. The QEG team seen on all the videos is going to Morocco and will be there for a couple weeks, so let's support them in finding a fast, internet connection so they may share their data from over there. If that is the Higher Purpose.


Here's the email I sent out to a large bunch of folks...

[Kp] I'm sending this out to many who may be open to this new concept, which has been demonstrated in working devices. I'm also attaching pdfs of the plans for building one of these, so you may examine them if you wish.

This is an "OverUnity" device. "Overunity" means you get more juice out than you put in (electrical juice, that is). Yes, it IS allowed by physics... Quantum physics, not if you use Newtonian or Maxwellian physics.

(Tom Bearden (, "Energy from the Vacuum), who I visited once in Huntsville AL in 2003, is an example of a scientist who has written about and researched the theory of this, but was always frustrated with the fact that anyone who started coming out with this type of device, would all of a sudden "mysteriously" die, or have their patents declared "Classified for National Security).

I know this group, who started this QEG project. It will be rapidly going global. A group of people in Taiwan just demonstrated they could build it, and it worked.

This project will work, because the plans are being given away, at no cost, to the public. Now it cannot be hidden, or put back in the box by "eliminating" any one person.

There's an excellent short video in the article ( ) which explains the history behind this QEG, and what this QEG device group (Fix the World) is about.

Like a good set of fingerpaints with a group of 5 year olds, feel free to "Spread it around".