eireport_blog_logo_15The one phrase that seems to stick out here (for me) is, "Most strongly illumined, and most strongly affected, are dormant revert energetic structures..."

The word "revert", as a verb, means "to return to a former habit, practice, belief, condition, etc.", and, in biology, "to return to an earlier or primitive type", although here, it is used like an adjective.

In my view, the "dormant revert structures" are basically "old paradigms", but ones that are held in the unconscious. Old paradigms of which we are not conscious.

Something like that.


Extremes of experience accompany Higher Cosmic Aligned Nova Gaia energetic grids

Extremes of experience accompany Higher Cosmic Aligned Nova Gaia energetic grids.

Nothing escapes Illumination at this time.

Most strongly illumined, and most strongly affected, are dormant revert energetic structures within human individuals, communities, and so-called governmental bodies.

After initial flarings, conscious individuals, communities, and so-called governmental bodies, learn to accept such, and release the revert structures.

Predominance of heart connections becomes apparent.