eireport_blog_logo_19This one had some type of alignment, I felt, with the most recent "Cobra code" post, namely, "PPN in final removal, grid ratio evaluated". These ""Specialized" higher vibrational energetic streams" infiltrate "selected planetary "difficulty" points", and "create conditions which dissolve all potential of archon-created-and-aligned activity".

Sounds good to me.


"Specialized" higher vibrational energetic streams have formed and aligned and are in process of infiltrating selected planetary "difficulty" points

"Specialized" higher vibrational energetic streams have formed and aligned and are in process of infiltrating selected planetary "difficulty" points.

These energetic streams are coded for individual geographic grid points and create conditions which dissolve all potential of archon-created-and-aligned activity.

Such energetic streams are unique to each situation, and are uniquely formed for the Planet Earth-Gaia operation.

Although similar to 3D Earth-based "special ops" forces, these higher vibrational energetic streams operate purely in the 4-9D realms and are immune to any archon-ic detection.

Higher Gaia collective has called for this.