140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010046_150_49I've got to say, that these days feel very peculiar. Like I've never experienced anything like them before. There are times, like today, when this "blogging thing" feels like a weight of stuff that overwhelms, and isn't going anywhere new.

It's more like this... there's days when the posts just roll off my fingers effortlessly, and then there's an occasional day, like today, when I see so much "stuff" that seems like "same old same old apocalyptic crap which I have no desire to read or look at or spend any time with at all".

Sometimes I must say "No" to the "same old same old" blogging. And I must say "No" to people who seem to want to intrude upon my energy space. Something like that happened to me today, when this person who "lives" here wanted to see my place... namely, come into my place. Her energy felt very intrusive, very disruptive, so I simply said "No". If she'd asked again, I would have said "NO".

I am being very careful and honoring of my own personal living (and energy) space these days. It will be honored and respected (whatever description you wish to give it)... by ME. And if others do not align with that, they will receive, "The Gift of 'No'". And if the first "No" does not click into them, they will receive "The Gift of 'NO'".

After that, further "action" may be taken, but usually it never goes that far.

Personally, with the Kp blog, "The Gift of 'No'" is often one I find challenging to give myself, at times. And at those times, I remind myself that "the world" does not depend on whether I write and write and copy and copy and paste and paste this blog together. The vibrations are still rising, no matter what.

Well, so I'm stuck for any more words right now. I will end.

Aloha, Kp