GoodETxSG_gravatar_150_11So it looks like all the important things are captured in the title... but I am sure some will want to read the rest (and by the way, I'll be posting at least one more of these, so it looks like there will be a 7/6... pardon for that.).

A few highlights (from my view) are below (please note that the bolding is mine).

[Q] "...I have been following the "Financial War on Earth" and I know what the BRICS nations are. I'm not so sure that the people who run the governments of China, Russia, Brazil, et al, are the "white hats", though. And, yes, I've been reading about them. I'm still hazy about who they actually are and what their real intentions are... So far I haven't seen anything that is "open and honest" and it appears to me that BRICS or "Alliance" could be just another side of the same coin--the dialectic at work again. So far I don't see any of these guys informing the public about the social security number and how they are using it to enslave people. I don't see any actual change... So how can I or anyone know what their real intentions are?

[GoodETxSG] "There are not the FACES of governments but the REAL FORCES THAT RUN THESE FACES OF GOVERNMENTS... No, They do not have a web site or phone number...

" How do you know that you haven't given "Permission" on some level just by being here to participate during this time? If each time a person gets an answer to a question and lean back in their chair to come back to find another way to spin this as a violation of free will and another form of slavery then no answers will satisfy.

"I for one know I am happy to be unshackled and have an opportunity to not live under these psychotic "Service To Self" appointed Human Rulers and "Custodian God's"/"Custodian Alien Watcher Beings"... The rest is up to us! They are not here to save us...

" up our acts, stopping the hate/war and becoming loving and service to others doesn't sound like a bad path to me... Especially while the evil manipulators are being ejected from our realities... IMHO"

[Kp note about colors: I remind all that I am not using the purple color GoodETxSG uses. Just the red and the underlines (it's all a deal with WordPress editor "messing up" my font colors when I mix colors and try to post). Click the link of the forum post to view in full "GoodETxSG color".]


Forum post #420 (17th March 2015, 11:25)

[Q] "Yes, GoodET, I have been following the "Financial War on Earth" and I know what the BRICS nations are. I'm not so sure that the people who run the governments of China, Russia, Brazil, et al, are the "white hats", though. And, yes, I've been reading about them. I'm still hazy about who they actually are and what their real intentions are. I mean, who are they really? Can I speak with any of them? Can you give me some names? Does the "Alliance" have a website I can visit?

According to what David Wilcock said they have a "plan" for a utopian, cashless world. However, they don't seem to have asked for our consent to their secret plan. David Wilcock said in the post that got me wondering, that "Governments will not be necessary beyond a limited degree when everything is open and honest..."

So far I haven't seen anything that is "open and honest" and it appears to me that BRICS or "Alliance" could be just another side of the same coin--the dialectic at work again. So far I don't see any of these guys informing the public about the social security number and how they are using it to enslave people. I don't see any actual change.

So how can I or anyone know what their real intentions are?"

[GoodETxSG] There are not the FACES of governments but the REAL FORCES THAT RUN THESE FACES OF GOVERNMENTS... No, They do not have a web site or phone number...

Ask us for our consent? Know their intentions? (They have stated that it is ALL up to US, we have to make the changes they are not going to do it for us. WE have to raise our vibrations, Change to being loving and service to others...)

You want them to get the consent of every single Human Beings on the Planet... Be they in a jungle, trapped behind the communist walls of nations like N. Korea and each member of every tribe on Earth to "Free Them" from the Beings and Earthly Forces that now control this planet and enslave every human being seeing each one of us as an useless eater that needs to be culled to bring the population down to a manageable number?

How do you know that you haven't given "Permission" on some level just by being here to participate during this time? If each time a person gets an answer to a question and lean back in their chair to come back to find another way to spin this as a violation of free will and another form of slavery then no answers will satisfy.

I for one know I am happy to be unshackled and have an opportunity to not live under these psychotic "Service To Self" appointed Human Rulers and "Custodian God's"/"Custodian Alien Watcher Beings"...

I don't recall being asked my permission to be put into a Financial Slavery System where a Few Appointed Elites run the system while reporting to "Custodian Beings" calling the shots... I don't remember agreeing to being apart of the endless cycle of war and violence that we have been manipulated to repeat for many cycles...

The "Elite" are not panicking and trying to escape the planet for no reason at all... They see the end of their "RULE" of this planet and the "Ouster" of their "Gods" occurring and have already seen how impotent their "Gods" are in the shadow of the newly arrived "Sphere Alliance".

The rest is up to us! They are not here to save us...

If those that don't understand RE-READ what I have stated about "Their Message" it is all about US getting off our butts and out of the cycle of being in this Financial Slave System and for EACH OF US to one by one work on our selves by raising our Vibrations, Become Loving and Service to Others... That to me sounds like a proactive solution that is asking ALL of us to take part in this process. Not to sit on our couch and watch TV waiting for it to be handed to us... I would suggest looking deeper into their messages and the material.

By taking part you are giving your consent... Some of the lazy slackers will get a free ride I guess... Those who don't want change may find themselves somewhere else that is not much different that what we are leaving behind...

No one really knows to be honest. But cleaning up our acts, stopping the hate/war and becoming loving and service to others doesn't sound like a bad path to me... Especially while the evil manipulators are being ejected from our realities... IMHO


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