kp_at_java_rainbow_surfbord_140311_240_1There's a few things that I felt was mine to say (and maybe, just maybe, it does apply to one or two more people than myself). This has to do with the "Letting Go", "Releasing" stuff. Stuff from old paradigms.

I see it and hear it all the time... From some more than others. But particularly I've experienced it with myself the last several months. Here's a few...

  1. I have to stay in Hawaii all the time and can never leave.
  2. I always have to have an apartment.
  3. My place has to be "this size, this shape, with a full size kitchen, etc."
  4. I have to live on the Big Island.
  5. I have to go to Java on the Rock 3 days a week.
  6. "The Event" has to happen on so and so day.
  7. The Galactic ships must come and fill the skies all at once, on the same day, at the same moment.
  8. "Ascension" means the same thing to everyone.

So that's a few. There are other things as well. I'm sure.

So here's a few I've heard from some that really strike me as stuff of a similar "may be worth releasing" nature...

  • That's just part of "getting old".
  • Statements like, "Well, they're young, and this and that and this and that about they're 'being young'", which of course implies that "you are not".
  • Meditation for 10 hours a day is what I need to do to "get there"
  • I've got to work for a living... (read this post posted at Brian's Blog)
  • I've got to heal everybody.
  • I've got to listen to everybody.
  • I've got to believe everything I see on the [news, internet, channelings, petroglyphs, heiroglyphs, cryptoglyphs].
  • Everything I see on the [news, internet, channelings, petroglyphs, heiroglyphs, cryptoglyphs] applies to ME.
  • He, she, it] is my teacher, and my only teacher (aka, "guru")

That's enough for now. I'm due for a bit of coffee and some fun shopping!!