kp_with_surfboard_java_150_1You may all fill in the blank, as the word fits.

I've been noting a deeply "intense" and deeply "provocative" deeply "poking" and deeply "deep" collection (like a fleet) of energies all through the day, and particularly the last few hours, and particularly right now.

All afternoon I have felt a bit "invaded", so I went to town for a break. Then came back, and the "invasion" energy scenario continued playing out. Around 6:30-7 PM I began to feel a loss of energy. So I just rested, but on getting up from that rest, my whole internal (stomach related) system was out of whack. Had a light soup, lots of water, and now feeling a bit back to well-being. But I will rest much tonight.

Perhaps this has also happened to some of you out there. I'm just passing along my observations (and how my own "fleet of energies") has been this day.

Aloha to all, Kp