20140319-051347.jpgMarch 18, 2018

It seems a critical mass of actions, the first agenda items, now taking place in the international financial 'world' is 'setting the stage' for the actual reset of the global financial system, which includes the issuance of a new, 'backed by' gold & other of this country's precious resources, United States Treasury [issued] U.S Dollar. My 'high level sources' continue to confirm the accuracy of what "Zap" is saying. [Kp bolding] Again, much of this information, with minor nuances, is confirmed by my own sources... and is consistent with what I have learned over the past few months. You can find the web link for this update over at Kauilapele's web site for March 17, 2014 titled: "Office of Poofness 3-17-14..."Smiling Eyes" - where it again says, "ZAP SAYS - HI ALL"
