matthew16Yes, I know what I said earlier somewhere (in this ALW interview post, actually). Well, I felt different today, and somehow felt these articles, with various (but similar) explanations, wanted to be posted. I'm not posting these for "argument-ing" or "this one's right and that one's wrong"-ing with anyone.

My sense is, however, that this whole "Malaysian Air 370 flight" thing is somehow related to the entire disclosure process. All are free to use their own powers of Higher Discernment.


Message from Matthew and Ashtar via Suzy Ward: March 20, 2014 – Missing Malaysian Airlines Plane
Posted by Stephen Cook on March 21, 2014

Stephen: In this special message, Matthew and Ashtar present a very different perspective to the Malaysian Airlines situation than that presented by Archangel Michael and Ashira over the past few days. So yet another scenario for us all to ponder. As always, take this as additional information, please use your own discernment and go with what resonates for you, individually.

Message from Matthew and Ashtar,
as received by Suzy Ward, March 20, 2014 –

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew, and now I shall speak only for myself. When the Malaysian aircraft went missing, I was assisting a civilization in another galaxy and had no knowledge of the event until three days later, when my mother first heard about it and asked me what I knew.

Thereupon I contacted a colleague in Nirvana, whose investigation disclosed that three persons had been in an airplane immediately prior to arriving in Nirvana on the day the plane disappeared. My colleague told me their records show that they died of natural causes in accordance with their soul contracts, and he couldn't verify that they were on the plane in question.

Since then, responsibilities and family visits have kept my mother's thoughts and time occupied, and when she asked today if I have verifiable information now, I told her yes, but I prefer that she receive it directly from my source, Ashtar.

Mother, he is awaiting your greeting…

Suzy: Ashtar, hello! Matthew said you have information about the missing plane. He would like me to receive it directly from you instead of his paraphrasing what you told him.

Ashtar: Yes, Suzy, I know, and hello! It's been quite a while since we talked, and I'm glad for this opportunity to be together again. After Matthew asked me to tell you what I know, I put together a little presentation of sorts and I'll get right to it.

All persons aboard the missing airliner were relocated to a small planet that approximates your atmosphere and to some extent the topography, and the inhabitants are fairly similar to your population in appearance.

When the plane developed serious malfunctions that couldn't be remedied, we shifted it into a higher dimension and set course for that planet. None of the soul contracts of the crew and passengers included such an adventure, but neither did they include death at that time. In cases like that, we are authorized to step in.