Those of you who do not know of Suzy Star may be surprised to discover what she has been involved in during her relatively short lifetime of 82 years. Well, she is one who has been "working the Light" her entire lifetime. And I'm sure this will be a mind opener (and/or "blower"). She has connections with Poof, and you may recall a blog post here about that. Here's that title with link, "Some Info About the Poofness… "Who is this Poof-er?" (not that there's anything wrong with that…)"

Stephen Cook interviews Suzy Wednesday (TODAY), July 18, 6pm (PDT, USA) / 9pm (EDT). Here's a link to the show. I'll undoubtedly re-post the MP3s here after the show is pau (Hawaiian, "finished").

And please read Stephen's synopsis about Suzy at this link.

Suzy Star: 82 Years Young and Still Shining Brightly – The Light Agenda

Here also is Suzy's website.