When I posted this post, I really had no more to say, and was not moved to say anything more. And later, just this morning, it turns out that someone actually said it for me, anyway.

Thanks to "dL" for emailing it to me, which is apparently a comment left in response to "that article" which contained "that document". I'm leaving a link to a pdf of the comment, rather than post it here, or any links related to it (there are links to those in the pdf). Here's the link to the pdf document with that comment response.


Now I will say this about all this... I see many different types of groups now coming together, in one way or another, to bring about what all of us are going for... Release from the cabal, Freedom, Ascension, and so on. Many different groups are involved. Just because one group may not understand the stance of another group, to me, is irrelevant. If each is following their Guidance (whatever that is), from deep within themselves (wherever that is), with a passion which may be deep and, well, passionate, then to me, that is the only deal that is important.

The Drake has somehow brought many of these groups and individuals to the same table. And I, personally, am grateful for that.