veterans_today_banner_NEW_153There are three pieces here, all indicative of how the OPEs (Old Paradigm Establishment) are falling apart at whatever seams they may have.

One not about the Obama-related article (and this may be "concerning" to Obama-dislikers), I have always sensed, that no matter how "dark" Mr. Obama appears to be (or have been), there is at least a part of him that is working, step by step, to bring down the "cabal", and allow the Republic called "United States of America", to return.


Obama says he was 'skeptical' of Syria rebel boondoggle from the start

""I've been skeptical from the get-go about the notion that we were going to effectively create this proxy army inside of Syria,"Obama said in the interview. "My goal has been to try to test the proposition, can we be able to train and equip a moderate opposition that's willing to fight ISIL?"

"Asked why he went through with the program he doubted, Obama responded that part of what he has to do "is to try different things," adding another reason was "because we also have partners on the ground that are invested and interested in seeing some sort of resolution to this problem."

""Look, there's no doubt that it did not work," Obama said of the program, but argued that there was no "silver bullet"approach to solving the Syrian problem. Washington would continue to support the 'moderate' opposition in Syria in hopes of seeing regime change in Damascus, but "what we are not going to do is to try to reinsert ourselves in a military campaign inside of Syria," Obama said." [key word: "reinsert"... namely, he says, "Yes, we were there, we've been there, and Hell yes, we've been trying to keep wreaking the havoc there."]

[Also, watch this video (on FB), here.]

Jim Dean on America's Disinformation War on Russia (Jim Dean)

Russian Media Takes Sides in Duff – McCain Confrontation Over Syria (Gordon Duff)