paoweb_globegrid608 Imix, 4 Moan, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We come again with more good news! Everywhere on your planet, events are manifesting that are to bring you freedom, prosperity and new governance. When this wondrous cycle is completed, there is to be disclosure. We welcome what is happening on your world and how it so gloriously fits into the divine plan for this solar system. Changes are omnipresent. Mercury is literally exploding with one active volcano creating another. Venus, Gaia and Mars are now in the midst of a spectacular number of climate changes, which are to lead to these orbs returning to their pristine realities. Our part in this is to mentor your grand transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. These tasks are underway as Heaven is preparing you for the reception of this new consciousness. Meanwhile, the dark and its minions are reeling as one plan after another fails to stop this inevitable transformation. You are meant to alter yourselves into a galactic consciousness, which is to spread swiftly across this solar system and forge a new and magnificent star nation.