David_Wilcock_Search74I felt that this update to David's last article was important (in some way) to post before leaving tomorrow for Maui. Almost as if awareness of this update ties in to all of the activities that will be happening all around the planet on 5-17. The Obama/Air Force One/David Wilcock synchronicity David experienced is a key part of this.

DOES THIS EVENT HAVE ANY GREATER SYNCHRONICITY? [referring to the appearance of Air Force 1 when David arrived at LAX]

Bear in mind that the title of my most recent book is The Synchronicity Key.
The whole book is based on the concept that "meaningful coincidences" are not happening by accident, but by deliberate design. The radio show I just posted talks extensively about disclosure. I stated that ET humans have visited every US President in his office for the last 100 years. Additionally, this article I wrote to accompany the show is all about the exposure and defeat of the Cabal. The very first thing I saw in my home town, other than the airport, was the President of the United States coming in for a landing. All the men with cameras reminded me of the type of hubbub you would expect in the event of a massive UFO sighting -- a large object in the sky...

" Given the powerful nature of what is happening in the world right now, I couldn't help but see this event as being significant. If nothing else, it seemed to strongly underline what so many other dreams and real-world data points have been saying...

" Seeing Air Force One land in my home town, right beside me, right after I landed in my own plane, only made the message even stronger: "Get ready. This is really going to happen. You are going to see the Cabal crumble... and Disclosure will occur.""



I wrote and posted this piece on the morning of May 7th, 2014, right before flying out of Denver Airport to return to LAX.

In light of the major synchronicity that happened as I left the airport, I was compelled to go back, look at seemingly insignificant details of the trip, and see what the meta-message might be.

I am going to share all the data in case you might see something I missed. Synchronicity can be like detective work in many ways, as we look for symbolic meanings.



I never go through the body scanners. The TSA agent who gave me the pat-down in Denver said, "You look just like that comedian."

"David Spade?" I asked. "No," he replied. "The other guy. A lot funnier than him!"

"I don't know," I replied. "I'm on Ancient Aliens. Maybe you recognize me from there."

He may have known who I was all along and was just being polite. He immediately said "you're David Wilcock."

Then, after I acknowledged it was true, he said, "I know they threatened your life in 2011. Thank you for still doing what you do. It's incredible work."