kathryn_may_8This message was via Kathryn May. I very much aligned with the portion of this that talked about dogs and cats. I had the joy of being with Spanky, the dog shown here, when I was in Paia 2 days ago. So let's join with our family, or all species, and bring this Prosperity and Freedom baby into our world...


Sananda: Join Us to Create Prosperity and Freedom

spanky_50It was a beautiful day in the valley. The sun was bright in the deep blue sky, with hardly a cloud in sight. The girls were planning a birthday party for their friend, and excitement filled the air. It was a glorious day. All around their table were the flowers in bloom and the sound of water running into the pool. What an idyllic spot to have a party.

We love to see you there on the ground, enjoying yourselves, loving one another. It is the atmosphere which portends abundance, harmony and peace. You see, you have been taught that meditation with the intention of creating something positive is a very effective tool, which it is indeed, but you do not realize how powerful the effect is when a group of people get together to have fun. The simple act of sitting down together to have dinner creates a vortex of Love which will settle into the molecules of the table and chairs, the walls and floors of the house.

Children are especially sensitive to the feelings around them, and can detect the vibrations which are carried within the objects they encounter. Feel yourself as the child you have been, and become aware of the feelings which are stored in the objects around you. Have you filled the atmosphere with Love? Then your furniture, walls and local environment will wear the energy of your heart.

I am describing this phenomenon to you to give you a part of the picture so you can see what we are up against when we talk about raising the vibrations on the planet. It means washing away the dark pockets of energy which remain from all the years of negativity and fear. The old tradition of burning sage was used to clear away negative energies from a building or a person suffering from lingering Darkness.

You may not be aware that your dogs and cats are especially talented at moving energies, to remove negativity by absorbing it themselves, then transmuting it and releasing it to the Universe to be reabsorbed. Cats especially are well adapted to this work. Remember the Halloween pictures which always show a black cat following along after the wicked witch and other Dark beings? It is not because the cat enjoys their company; it is the symbolic depiction of the cat's natural tendency to take responsibility for clearing away the negative effects of the beings she accompanies. The black coloring represents the cat's ability to take on the dark energies in order to protect others from it.

There are many species of animals, plants and elementals who are there among you to help balance the energies and restore Light to a previously darkened environment. As of this week, they will become evident in large numbers, bringing LoveLight and joy to all who encounter them, for humankind has passed a milestone of tremendous importance this week.