veterans_today_banner_1I'm not a "Jewish scholar" nor an "Israel scholar" or anything like that. I've never studied anything about it, and I don't intend to. To me, all religious/spiritual paths are a matter of choice, and we are all family. Love 'em all.

When I saw this article, I felt very drawn to read it, as it eventually leads to information on all this "Israel, Jewish, Zionist, Khazarian, Ashkenazi Jew" business. I was VERY drawn to that article (by Andrew Hitchcock). I'll post that separately.

Remember, at the end, even though we do not have to "put up with" this dark business, sometimes being informed about it helps. And in the end, the principle is, "Love 'em all." Their "darkness" can't stand that...

"You cannot understand current events if you don't understand what really happened on 9/11. Those who have studied 9/11 have concluded that it was a Zionist operation – the evidence is overwhelming. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars that followed primarily benefited Israel.

"When we refer to Israel in the context of researching these types of events we actually mean the Rothschild criminal network which is the power structure that carved Israel out of Palestine. The Rothschilds control the major central banks of the world such as the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England etc. The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a long time.

"The Rothschild criminal cartel was behind the assassinations of Lincoln, FDR, JFK, RFK, World War I and II, Vietnam, the events of 9/11 and on and on. No informed person underestimates the power that Israel has to influence world events. If you are unfamiliar with the Rothschilds a good place to start your research is Daryl Bradford Smith's Rothschilds Timeline."


Presidential Hopefuls Pander to Zionist Billionaire Sheldon Adelson
by Don Fox

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. – Revelation 2:9

Sheldon Adelson, KingmakerAs the Obama administration's days in office start to wane, the process of vetting the 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls is in full swing.

Adelson has let it be known that he is looking for a Republican to back in the 2016 Presidential election.

Right on cue Scott Walker, John Kasich, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush took turns pandering to the 80 year old hard core Zionist billionaire. Adelson and his wife spent more than $93 million on the 2012 elections so sucking up to Shelly is certainly worth the effort for a 2016 Republican presidential wannabe.