african_queen_by_AK_1Now in that last post, I listed a video, namely, "Dutchsinse... 'They Offered Me the World'". And I've got a few emails from readers pointing out that video, as well as wondering "What does it mean?" or "What do you think about it?". Things like that.

My response (at least internally) was, "It has nothing to do with me," and, "Pay no attention to that person behind that curtain (meaning, those things that are trying to distract me from my mission here (wherever I may be at this moment))."

So, AK and D have put forward a couple pieces about this, which I link below. I'll post the full AK conversation with Ben Fulford in a separate post.

Now I will say this about all that. First of all, it's none of my business. Second, the "OPPT" has been used and abused and bandied about like a brand new tennis ball, by all sorts of folks, like "SwissIndo", Ben Fulford, NesaraNews, Rumor Mill News, and many others, bouncing from one court, to another, and all I can say is that it appears that many have not really got what it is all about. So and so says this, so and so says that.
I especially liked this from AK's other post (my next post)...

[AK] "...they [Swissindo] have acted through those they recruited as agents within the OPPT movement to go through back channels. Those agents have put forth the Swissindo plan to divide the world into five kingdoms operating under CVACs, recently they even went as far as to offer Heather "Queen of Africa" title which she promptly refused. Heather and the other Trustees want no part of any plan that creates more separation on this planet with new hierarchies and privileged elites. It ain't gonna happen!"

To me, it's easy...

  • OPPT has done its job (foreclosed on all corporations, governments, banks, and all the related "entities" that chose to try to limit "the Eternal I" (or "Eternal Essence", and spoken with grand hall echo)).
  • OPPT was dissolved (retired, put to rest, "reconciled back to Eternal Essence"). End of "The OPPT". No more. End of "The OPPT Story".
  • It has been "supplanted" (transcended?) by "the One People".
  • Who knows what comes next... Oh, I know...
  • Each one go out and BE "Eternal Essence".

That's what people like Lisa, Brian, Heather, D, AK, etc., etc., are now doing.

Read what Heather said in D's post. That sums it up for me. Enough said.

(Now, will you please pass me my "Kingship of the Pacific" robe, please?...)