130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_20This will be short. After the last Poof, where they wrote,

"the importance and benefits of being in a neutral space as events, on all levels, are unfolding. Doing things the way we always have is often not working now.".

it was clear to me that this point (message) is coming through others beside myself.

I'm not trying to "do" anything or "say" anything about anyone in particular. But I have seen this and experienced this coming up with a fair number of so-called "Light workers". And that is, "Hanging on to the old paradigm."

Comes up all the time. "Well, we have to do this, and do that, in a certain way, with certain ceremonial items, certain words, in a certain place, with certain people, and at a certain time, and....".... Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Sorry folks, all that is OLD PARADIGM to me.

So instead of pointing any kind of finger at anyone, Here's are my "guidelines" for all this New Paradigm Light Work stuff.

  1. Sometimes I do ceremonies.
  2. Sometimes I don't.
  3. Sometimes I use artifacts.
  4. Sometimes I don't.
  5. Sometimes I go to a certain place.
  6. Sometimes I don't.
  7. Sometimes I say certain words.
  8. Sometimes I don't use any words at all.
  9. Sometimes I do a mission with other people.
  10. Most of the time I don't.
  11. Sometimes I tell people what I'm doing.
  12. Sometimes I don't.
  13. Sometimes I write about what I did.
  14. Sometimes I don't.
  15. Almost never do I talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk with others about what I did.
  16. Almost always I focus on what to do in the NOW.
  17. Almost all the time I listen to my own Inner Guidance.

So there we go. There's probably more to say, but it's time for my bed.

Aloha, Kp