american_kabuki_and_ben_fulford_1I loved this conversation. To me, this is what "waking up" and "sharing (and BEing) in transparency" is all about. (Besides being funny as Heaven!!)


My Conversation with Benjamin Fulford Regarding the Dutchsinse Video

By American Kabuki, Sunday October 13, 2013

In the interest of complete transparency regarding the ever increasing attempt to conflate the OPPT (which is a reconciled trust in any case - HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO REPEAT THAT?) with the actions of Swissindo.

I am publishing this conversation with Ben Fulford regarding the recent Dutchsinse video claiming the OPPT asked him to sign an oath in exchange for huge sums of money. The OPPT simply isn't doing that. Whomever is doing that, is not the OPPT. It could very well be Swissindo (that has yet to be confirmed) and those in the alternative media they recruited secretly as an advisory council (under nondisclosure agreements) from the volunteers who had been working for the OPPT in the first part of the year. This has been unfolding for a number of months, at least since April.

Swissindo has approached Heather Tucci-Jarraf on a number of occasions as they liked the CVAC concept, believing it and the other filings gave it title to the gold in their custody, but they changed the intent of the CVAC into a centrally funded banking mechanism. Heather invited Swissindo principals to Morocco to meet in person, so she could verify their identity and intent, but they never came. No agreement between the OPPT and Swissindo was ever begun or discussed.

Instead they have acted through those they recruited as agents within the OPPT movement to go through back channels. Those agents have put forth the Swissindo plan to divide the world into five kingdoms operating under CVACs, recently they even went as far as to offer Heather "Queen of Africa" title which she promptly refused. Heather and the other Trustees want no part of any plan that creates more separation on this planet with new hierarchies and privileged elites. It ain't gonna happen!

Really people, we aren't stopping Swissindo from doing whatever its going to do, why do you need Heather's involvement yet refuse to do things in complete and absolute transparency Heather requires? Just be honest and say its Swissindo and get on with it! If what you have works then show it to the world! Because if you think you are going maneuver or compromise Heather, boy have you seriously miscalculated who she is!

Here's my conversation with Benjamin Fulford yesterday with this issue which is now coming to full bloom in the public eye. I thank Benjamin Fulford for his complete transparency with me. I really respect that!


From: Bill
Subject: You know anything about this nonsense?
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 19:10:52 -0700

[Dutchsinse video:]

The OPPT is a reconciled trust and is not asking anyone for oaths nor making financial offers to bloggers who cooperate. Since they claim the WDS is behind this too, perhaps you have an interest in correcting the story as well?


On Oct 12, 2013, at 7:27 PM, Fulford Benjamin wrote:

The White Dragon Society has nothing to do with the OPPT and is not involved in the offer being made on that video. My understanding is that OPPT is a cabal front. The involvement of the UN is a dead give-away. The UN is cabal controlled. Think George Bush and David Rockefeller and Saudi puppet Barack Obama.

We at the WDS are trying to remove these genocidal scum from control.

Benjamin Fulford