salusa_star83Well, I posted the SaLuSa of 3-8-13 without actually reading it. So as I lay in the bed last night and today, I chose to actually read this. And found quite a few resonances...


  • The world is still in a state of turmoil, but we see all progressing as intended to bring about the results that are required to move you firmly onto the path of the New Age.
  • Some of the changes happen quite naturally, but some situations are man made and need extra attention if they are to be broken down.
  • Restoring your sovereignty is one such area, and it needs legal means to change laws that were introduced to take away your rights.
  • When matters reach the stage of enabling us to come out openly to be with you, your friends of the Inner Earth can also meet you and another important period in your evolution will begin. You will be making up for lost time very rapidly...
  • your creative powers grow, you will "think" yourself into whatever way you wish to appear. All of these advances will give you so much more time to yourself, and "work" as you understand it will not be something you have to do to survive.
  • Eventually there will be no money involved... where a society works together for the benefit of all. All of your needs are provided for and many of them can be "thought" into being as and when you need them.
  • ...we are aware that some of you still feel let down that outwardly nothing happened on the 21st. December, but more took place than was apparent and there has been no let up in our help to bring matters to a wonderful conclusion.
  • Let go of time as it is no longer reliable and has never been constant.
  • Go with the flow and allow things to come to you where possible and you will find you can rely on your intuition much more.
  • Some of you get so tied up with earthly matters... Duality may be finishing up, but you have not yet completely cut your ties with it. There is also karma that has still to be played out, and it is all part of your personal cleansing. See it for what it is and the [then] put it behind you.
  • The speed of your growth into the Light is remarkable, and by doing so each individual is helping lift up all other souls.


My Comments thereon...

Yes, this whole "December 21, 2012" thing (okay, call it "event", or whatever) really was useful, as it has helped those who may have "guru-ized" that date. And I was a bit amazed that this SaLuSa message brought it up. However, not to make light of any of this, as each and every one of the current planetary population are going through something, this was quite a major "planetary" release. Clearing karma, releasing old paradigm-ic duality type concepts, realizing that your "worst enemies" are actually your "best friends". And so on. And that. I feel, is really why, as this SaLuSa message states, "The world is still in a state of turmoil..."

I've learned much from observing how Heather (of the OPPT) writes, and speaks, about the "dark ones", or "OPPT-trashers", and so on, that these folks come out of the closet in order to "hold the contrast" to what is presented. E.g., "OPPT is a path to freedom", is countered by things like, "This can't be", or "Yeah, seen it before; never worked, never will", or "Oppt or Co-Oppted...Look before you leap", or "This is all a bunch of BS".

To me, I see this as... DUALITY presented in its complete fullness (and "ferocity"). But once presented, full on, like this, it begins to clear (clarify), and lose its hold (in other words, we release OUR hold). So I see why Heather often repeats and reminds of those "holding the contrast".

Now two other bits have been presented here, by this SaLuSa message, which hit me...

  • "Let go of time as it is no longer reliable and has never been constant." This whole "time deal" is so duality based, and kind of like, "Let's get all churned up inside because this date is coming and 'everybody' says it's important". In my own case, that is absolutely the way it is. Although I heard about "the 12-21-12", it never really rung my bell as something to pay much attention to. However, the 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, and 12-12 (2012) did indeed ring bells. But these were MY bells. It was more the numbers than the dates. So I say, if there's any time to pay attention to, I pay attention to my own time. Which is really just "one now moment", followed by another "one now moment", followed by another "one now moment", followed by another "one now moment", and so on.
  • "Go with the flow and allow things to come to you where possible and you will find you can rely on your intuition much more." I'm not sure how others look at this, but for me, I get clear Guidance (I call it "Higher Guidance") via lots of things, events, meetings, whatever. The intuition is the key. Maybe a better word is "Inner Tuition". All I have to do is "PAY attention to THE INNER GUIDE". Or, "Pay the Inner Guide". In my case(s), as I've done that, Something "happens", or "shows up" (like a cloud, or a person, or a book) that hits the intuition, and I KNOW it was a message, just for me.

Bottom line... Enough, already, of this "trying to figure things out"... physically, mentally, dentally, duality-based, "oh I can't do that"-based, or "I'm too old for that"-based, or "I'm too young for that"-based, or (in perhaps a few of those who read this blog) "I'm too good looking for that"-based.

Anyway, that's all for this one. I'm off to enjoy (and BE with) this current moment of now.