oppt_logo_blue18The document discussed here is available at this recent post.

Thanks again to Ginger for her comprehensive notes.

Radio show link

MP3s were volume leveled and boosted a bit. Music was removed (-4 minutes).


MP3s (minus music, volume leveled and boosted) (30 min., 7 MB per Part)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Complete show (1:56, 27 MB)


Ginger's Notes (Mahalo, Ginger (http://www.meetup.com/Kona-Occupy-Disclosure-OPPT-IN/))

Courtesy notice re a parking fines - Lisa's success story (in OZ [Australia]), Bob's debt being excused (in US), and Brian noting there are lots that have been sent out there and many reporting silences so far . . . then a very interesting story regarding what Darrell did to ensure not getting arrested. More great advise at around 64 mins regarding a courtesy notice not taken seriously, and what to do next. Advise RE Repo Man. And what about all those foreclosed empty homes? - at about 111mins.
Brian added this helpful quote here - "Any suffering you are going through is happening to stimulate your own evolution and give you the lessons necessary to be where you need to be. Believe this, and accept what is for what it is. It will only burden you so long as it is useful for your development."