
  • The dark's minions are very aware of just how close your reality is to a most significant transformation. We are monitoring several developments that are being staged by the dark ones in an effort to somehow change their looming fate.
  • We have news for you dark arrogant ones: "This time, what you have planned is not going to save you... The time your predestined removal from power is indeed approaching rapidly!"
  • This grace-filled moment for your [the Annunaki's] exit is here.
  • Shortly, a glorious event is to take place! This Light will permit us to come and secure a great victory for not only the Light but also for the long-suffering people who live on the surface-world of this sacred globe.
  • Our allies are busy adding names to the already lengthy lists of detainees. The special courts, convened to conduct your [the Annunaki's] trials, are in situ and their dockets are waiting to be announced.
  • are assaulting the atmosphere and drastically altering the very nature of Gaia's ecosystems. These actions of yours further confirm the need for you to go and go now.
  • The Galactic Federation Main Council summoned us over two decades ago to carry out what Heaven now commands of us, namely, a mass landing of our personnel on Gaia's sacred shores.
  • This is a truly planet-wide shift! Your solar system and each and every one of you are to become members of this new star-nation. Then you can rejoin your Agarthan family and return your beautiful homeworld, united, to the Light!
  • Our grand Administrators in Heaven inform us that a most auspicious time is at hand! The Heavens are beginning to move in a way that reflects the sacred intentions of the Supreme Creator. This means that this time is on the threshold of the changes.
  • You are being returned to your natural state of full consciousness so that you can properly assist us in a most special and sacred service.
  • This process of inner and outer change is the reason why this great collection of souls that you are had this special dispensation conferred upon it.
  • You are a most promising motley group of spiritual energy. You are in fact the cream of the crop of humanity!
  • Hold steady, perceive what is already emerging around you, and help create this most exquisite gift from the Creator: full consciousness.


Sheldan Nidle Update 3-19-13
11 Lamat, 16 Ceh, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again! Your world continues to teeter on the brink of a new realm. The dark's minions are very aware of just how close your reality is to a most significant transformation. We are monitoring several developments that are being staged by the dark ones in an effort to somehow change their looming fate. The Anunnaki's 'children' have ruled your lives with an unchallenged hand for nearly 13 millennia, but this prolonged unpleasantness is now drawing to a close. Until now they have always found a way to escape from serious predicaments and are still hoping for some means of reshaping their current situation. We have news for you dark arrogant ones: "This time, what you have planned is not going to save you. We are monitoring your recent clumsy attempts to stage incidents designed to spark a wide-ranging series of conflicts. This time, dark ones, you will not be allowed to shake up the world. Our sacred allies are now occupying positions that can effectively limit what you are planning. We have also created a network that can intervene against when so required. The time your predestined removal from power is indeed approaching rapidly!"