150731_kp_mauna_kea_sun_P1010142_crop_150_32Although a number of items have got done today, I have found it very challenging to "front up with" various other things. Just seeming like all forward movement is not only uncalled for, it is seemingly impossible.

All has to do with releasing, I'm quite sure. Incoming energies are pulling up any areas of "conflict" and/or opposition, and/or in-harmony type things, and bringing them up with force and impact.

I had to completely stop considering anything to do with "Kingdom of Hawai'i" issues... It may be my own personal place with this is changing. It's not my place to "make all of it happen". "This is not my kuleana" (path), one voice is saying.

But there's much more to it than that. And I honestly do not know all the pieces. All I can say is that I've felt like just resting on the floor all day, and although I've not done that, I know the "calling" is for a "resting" from some of the "extremely important causes" I might have felt were "mine" to involve in.

Then I watched the latest Gaia TV Wisdom Teaching, and more and more "disclosure type" information is coming out, and my mind seems to be expanding so fast that I am eventually going to have to expand so I'm like one of those 100 foot tall beings that Corey and David often talk about.

Holy Crap!! What's next??

Aloha, Kp