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I am currently working on an update as well as a list of Q&A for Dr. Michael Salla and a new article he is doing. The amount of email that I have been trying to plow through has broken all records of anything we have received prior.

I will most likely finish up with Dr. Salla's questions first and then complete my update and post it. There is quite a lot going on in the background both above and below but as always the most important part of the equation is what each of us are doing personally in upping our own vibrations and consciousness (Or going in the opposite direction as others are doing often exposing how morally and ethically compromised they have become, often with a large paper trail.)

I will post the links to the latest updates here on FB/Twitter as well as the link to Salla's new article. Thank you for being patient while I took the long recovery time from the crazy trip to and from Gaiam TV. I am sure the crazy events that occurred will make it into the report. The negative greetings as DW calls them, were an adventure in their own rite.



Gaiam TV link (with credit (support) given to Corey): http://www.gaiamtv.com/?cid=aff%3Aamb%3Acg%3Aal000