sphere_being_alliance_logo_9milab_recruiting_show_with_george_noory_imageThis appeared today at Corey's FaceBook page. Here is a link to the Beyond Belief Gaiam web page (please note that after the page loads, an "auto audio" starts up, which may be stopped by clicking the "||" (pause) button just a short way down from the top (I'm not a fan of these "auto audio" things)). So far, I've been unable to loacate an actual link to the show description.

Please use one's own discernment always when reading any of the postings I make here, about this or anything else. You will know what fits for you.

[SSP = Secret Space Program; ICC = Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate; LOC = Lunar Operations Command; IE = Intuitive Empath; AI = Artificial Intelligence]


Facebook post

Part 1 of 2 of my interviews with George Noory will appear on Gaiam TV Wednesday August 19th. It will be titled "MILAB RECRUITING PROCESS". It was recorded on Sunday July 19th (Much has occurred since that interview).
You can find the interview at this link and if you create an account via this link I get credit for it as well.

