sphere_being_alliance_logo_6This appeared today at Corey's FaceBook page. Here is a link to the Jimmy Church Radio website (please note that after the page loads, an "auto audio" starts up, which may be stopped by clicking the "||" (pause) button just a short way down from the top (I'm not a fan of these "auto audio" things)). So far, I've been unable to loacate an actual link to the show description.

Please use one's own discernment always when reading any of the postings I make here, about this or anything else. You will know what fits for you.

[SSP = Secret Space Program; ICC = Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate; LOC = Lunar Operations Command; IE = Intuitive Empath; AI = Artificial Intelligence]


Facebook post

Mini Update: David Wilcock and Myself will be appearing on "Fade to Black" with Jimmy Church on Monday, August 24th. I will also be appearing on "Caravan to Midnight" with Ken Keeling as soon as we can arrange a date in their schedule.

We have also had several other invitations that we haven't been able to respond to yet. Many invitations were lost in the huge email response I received after the release date of the show. Thankfully some of them have began to contact me again and my awesome site admin has been locating the interview invitations and sending them to me.

Open Your Minds Radio (Ireland) has requested that we come back for a part 2 interview as well. When George Noory interviewed me for 2 episodes for his show "Beyond Belief" (Should air on Gaiam TV in the next 2 weeks) he stated that he would like to have us on "Coast to Coast" very soon.

So, after a time of quiet there will soon be quite a lot of information coming out through reports and radio shows in the near future. There is a LOT going on between the Cabal Groups and between the Earth Alliance Groups on Earth, with much occurring in Asia as I think many of you are figuring out from the small amount of info leaking out on the MSM.

Thank you for your patience. I will now go back to my vacation and walk out the door and 30 meters down to the beach. This should recharge me and get me ready for a very busy next few months.


Gaiam TV link (with credit (support) given to Corey): http://www.gaiamtv.com/?cid=aff%3Aamb%3Acg%3Aal000

Corey's Sphere Being Alliance Store: http://spherebeingalliance.com/store

Donate to GoodETxSG's work (to cover travel expenses, etc.); click the "Donate" button on any page. Website: SphereBeingAlliance.com

Twitter: SphereBeingAlliance (@BlueAvians) Corey's TOT Forum Thread (now closed)

Questions for Corey: http://spherebeingalliance.com/faqs. Click the "Ask Question" button at the top of the page.

David Wilcock: DivineCosmos.com (Donate to David's work)