veterans_today_banner_7First of all, the essence of this post (and my reason for posting it has nothing to do with guns)  is in the short audio clip below.
(or click

Now that you've heard it, I feel that so much of our "taught in school" history is simply "wrong"... Incorrect. Not the whole picture. This article (there's no indication who actually wrote it) is one of the many coming out that are apocalypsing (unveiling the truth to) us all.

As many of us know from reading the Financial Tyranny series by David Wilcock, the concept of "bankster" really grew during the cultivation of the banking system in Europe by the Rothschild family. They learned to manipulate and steer the actions of governments by controlling the money. Wars were fomented by them and their associates, to make money... for them.

Here's some points that this article makes that goes along with that, however, I would replace all the words "Jewish", with "those following or influenced by the Rothschild bankster family":

"Prior to World War II the Jews had been expelled from approximately 80 countries including Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Prague, Russia, Spain, Switzerland and the Ukraine, as well as persecuted in other forms in at least as many more, according to Jewish history. 2 Rather than simply writing off the lengthy persecution of the Jews as anti-Semitic, one might want to consider why no one wanted them. The expulsion of the Jews by a laundry list of countries was obviously not unique to Germany, nor was the internment of subversives and undesirables...

"The Treaty of Versailles after World War I was heavily influenced by powerful Jewish businessmen and politicians, including Louis Rothschild, Phillip Sassoon, Bernard Baruch, Stephen Wise, Paul Warburg (former Chairman of the Federal Reserve) and his brother Max Warburg.

"...Hitler was keenly aware of this problem and seemed to have a solid insight regarding the effects the Jews had upon German culture and politics.

"Hitler was clearly aware of the threat that international Jewry posed and planned to take action to eliminate it by expelling the Jewish business cartel from Germany."

This may not be "comfortable" for some to read. Just as some in Hawai'i would find it "uncomfortable" to learn that Hawai'i never relinquished its Kingdom, and never actually became an annexed territory, or state. Much of our so-called history is clearly "made up" or modified to fit what "they" think we should know.

And that is an old paradigm I am ready and willing to release.


Gun Control and the Nazis – Setting the Record Straight

Quite often i see uninformed bloggers, well-meaning patriotic Americans, and even the mainstream media, drawing parallels between the political climate of Nazi Germany and that of the United States at present. 1 2 3 While there are similarities, the context in which those policies are rooted could not be more at odds: While Nazi Germany was a fascist, police-state dictatorship, similar to what the U.S. is evolving toward today, it is quite clear that the ideology driving the politics in Germany was intended to avoid the same sort of tyranny which the people of the U.S. and elsewhere find themselves battling today.

  1. Jim Bob Duggar Compares US To Nazi Germany During The Holocaust
  2. "Gun Control's" Nazi Connection
  3. Hitler Joins Gun Control Debate, But History Is In Dispute

A popular example of one such parallel asks us to compare policies regarding gun control in the U.S. with that of Nazi Germany. Here we are often led to believe that Hitler disarmed the German people at large as a step toward tyranny, culminating in the slaughter of 6 million Jews on his way toward world domination. Those who have actually researched German's role in World War II however, are likely to reach very different conclusions regarding Hitler, the holocaust, and our subject of focus; gun control in Nazi Germany.

Many are aware of the depth to which corruption is embedded in all levels of government and how our mainstream media falsifies, minimizes or simply omits many subjects of importance. We know that officials cannot be blindly trusted and that our history books do not always portray an accurate account of history. We know these truths, yet many still subscribe without question to the official narrative regarding Germany's role in the war, never questioning whether those that wrote the history may have had an agenda that would best be served by altering it.

In order to paint an accurate picture of who was disarmed and why, i think it is necessary to briefly examine Hitler's rise to power. While it is obvious that racism played a role regarding the treatment of the Jews in Hitler's Germany, there is much more to the story that is often left untold.

We must put into context the mindset of not only the German people during the 30's and 40's, but the mindset in general throughout the developed world, a time during which African Americans were still being lynched in the United States. 1 Prior to World War II the Jews had been expelled from approximately 80 countries including Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Prague, Russia, Spain, Switzerland and the Ukraine, as well as persecuted in other forms in at least as many more, according to Jewish history. 2 Rather than simply writing off the lengthy persecution of the Jews as anti-Semitic, one might want to consider why no one wanted them. The expulsion of the Jews by a laundry list of countries was obviously not unique to Germany, nor was the internment of subversives and undesirables, which had occurred in many places both before and during World War II. 3 4 5 6 The United States government interred Japanese, Italian and German-Americans during the this period. 7 8 9

The Treaty of Versailles after World War I was heavily influenced by powerful Jewish businessmen and politicians, including Louis Rothschild, Phillip Sassoon, Bernard Baruch, Stephen Wise, Paul Warburg (former Chairman of the Federal Reserve) and his brother Max Warburg. The treaty succeed not only in robbing the German people of their dignity and placing the blame for the war on Germany alone, but also in gutting her financially and militarily. 1 2 The erosion of German values continued as Jewish politicians and businessmen began to move in, undermine the government and spread Marxist propaganda through the radio and print networks which they controlled. 3 German culture and morals were attacked further by the pornography that came with the Jews, who were prominent in the industry then, as they are now. 4 5 6 7 8

I can think of no better quote to summarize the reason for Hitlers rise to power than that spoken by Ernst Zundel during a 1996 interview by an Israeli journalist in which he said that "Hitler was an organic outgrowth to Jewish behavior". 1 2 Although i have not thoroughly researched the circumstances under which the Jews had been expelled and persecuted in hundreds of countries prior to World War II, it appears their behavior was a key factor in several instances. Certainly many of us today can see the result of Jewish behavior in Palestine 3 as well as the heavy handed and totally disproportionate influence they have acquired in many of the worlds most powerful institutions and industries, including the media, government and banking. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Less obvious is their influence on the culture of the people in whose countries they decide to take up residence. Hitler was keenly aware of this problem and seemed to have a solid insight regarding the effects the Jews had upon German culture and politics. 9

At this point i think it is important to state that it is not my intention to imply that the Jewish people as a whole are responsible for all the worlds problems, nor that they are of a lessor quality than any other, as Hitler obviously believed. However when we consider the disproportionate influence that Jewish culture and ideology has upon the worlds most powerful institutions, i think it is abundantly clear that this influence is largely responsible for a significant number of the most important problems we face. Ultimately however, we only have ourselves to blame; we, the 99%, Jewish or otherwise, who make it possible for the 1% to maintain power, enslave us with their monetary system, brainwash us with their media, and send us to fight and die in the wars they engineer and finance for no other reason than personal greed and control. I strongly believe that the Jewish people as a whole are victims of these criminal, self-serving elitists, just as many Americans are, as well as the people of any other nation that have succumbed to the international bankers. Hitler was clearly aware of the threat that international Jewry posed and planned to take action to eliminate it by expelling the Jewish business cartel from Germany. In a broadcast to the German people in 1941, he stated, in part:

This conspiracy of democratic Jews and Free Masons dragged Europe into war two years ago. Arms had to decide.

Since then a struggle has been taking place between truth and lies and, as always, this war will end in the victory for truth. In other words, whatever lies British propaganda, international world Jewry and its democratic accomplices may concoct they will not change historical facts. And it is a historical fact that for two years now Germany has been defeating one opponent after another.

I did not want it. Immediately after the first conflict I again held out my hand. I have been a soldier myself and I know how difficult it is to win a victory.

My hand was rejected. And since then we have seen that each peace offer was immediately exploited by the warmonger Churchill and his confreres so that they could say it was proof of our weakness.

In 1933, as a result of Hitler's policies which threatened Jewish businessmen, international Jewry declared war upon Germany in the form of a world-wide call to boycott German businesses, thus completing the economic destruction of Germany. 1 2 3 The Jewish boycott of German goods occurred prior to Hitler ordering a boycott of Jewish businesses and well before his government began restricting the rights of Germany's Jews. Upon war having been formally declared by the Jews, the German government had the legal right, according to international law, to confiscate the arms of a self-established enemy residing within its borders, however the confiscation of firearms from the German Jews would not take place for another 5 years when, in November of 1938, Herschel Grynszpan, a Polish Jew, assassinated a German diplomat 4 5. Thus the numerous claims that all Germans were disarmed, or that Jews were illegally disarmed, are completely false. 6 7 8 In fact, the German firearms law enacted under the Nazi regime in 1938 removed several restrictions regarding firearm ownership 6.

What was done in Germany regarding gun control was very different from what we are experiencing today in the United States where there is an obvious policy to circumvent the 2nd amendment to our constitution and disarm Americans citizens en masse by what many clearly see as a criminal and tyrannical government. While it is true that Hitler set up a fascist dictatorship, one must account for the extremely desperate situation Germany was facing as a result of severe unemployment and widespread prostitution, pornography, drug use and general lawlessness, as well as the very real threat of a communist takeover by the Bolshevik Jews who influenced Germany's government, legal system and media to a significant extent.

The German people were willing to tolerate Hitler initially because he proposed real solutions to the enormous problems they were suffering and later because he produced real results, including having created approximately 6 million jobs in just a few years and completely reversing the downward spiral of the economic and cultural predicaments. 1 2 Along with the elimination of unemployment, Hitler restored the dignity which had been stripped of the German people by the power-brokers who authored the Treaty of Versailles. These drastic changes could never have taken place without the removal of the influential Jewish businessmen, politicians and communists from the positions of power they held. 3 The overwhelming support which Hitler came to enjoy — an unheard of 90% at one point — resulted in some of the largest and most enthusiastic rallies the world has ever seen. 4

Hitler was respected and admired by the majority of German people, not for what he promised to accomplish, but for what he did accomplish. His campaign did not rest on wish-washy words like "hope"; it rested on clear goals which were met through decisive action. While there are parallels between Hitler's Germany and the U.S. today, it is abundantly clear that the foundations of those politics are grossly different. There can be no comparison between the corrupt, lobbyist-driven, weak-kneed whores who have occupied Washington DC for decades and Adolf Hitler, who did not bow to Zionist controllers and worship at the Wailing Wall while his countrymen pay the price for such relationships in blood and tears and taxes and bailouts while the nation loses its sole, descending dangerously close to the conditions of pre-Hitler Germany.

For a great deal more about Germany's role in World War II and the Jewish holocaust, please read: Rescuing Israel: The Holocaust.