kingdom_of_hawaii_seal_of_the_king_6This message was just posted at the Kingdom of Hawai'i blogsite. Here are a few highlights.

"Many of you have dreamed of the restoration of the Kingdom of Hawai`i for an entire lifetime, as have I. It has been my pre-ordained journey to restore our nation to what it once was, and I have sworn to complete this task for the good of our people and this āina. While some of you have the heart and physical strength to continue this journey with me, many of you are weary. I know you are, and want to assure you that I hear your questions and concerns.

"But I encourage you … do not lose your faith. It is when we feel that another step is impossible, that we are given a heavenly source of strength - the strength to keep moving forward, even if our steps are very small. This is the way we will reach our final victory, and see our beautiful Kingdom of Hawai`i restored.

"Much like a mountain surrounded in a mist, the Kingdom of Hawai`i exists. It is here among us. And though it has taken much longer than we would like for it to appear, it will eventually emerge from the mist, for all to see.

"Let us forgive each other and ourselves and move together as one big, powerful tidal wave of Unconditional Love that is unstoppable, incorruptible and undeterred."

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