"There is a great need for humanity to wake up. You are being sucked into another war by the LIES that are being told to you by the politicians. They just alter the wording each time. Are you so feeble-minded that you do not ask, "Why go back to kill those that you pretended to "rescue" last time."
"Start with loving yourself, your family, your extended family, and your fellow man. Show that you care, by refusing to approve the invasion and killing of innocent people. It is hard to watch from this side of life, as we can only help you by exposing the truth, in the hope that you will take the time to investigate the facts for yourselves. How many times in your lives have the same excuses been presented to you? How many times have you had to face the terrible fact that you were LIED TO ? As the Cabal runs out of time, its LIES become more URGENT.
"Humanity is in a dire situation. It must not be lulled into a false sense of security, no matter how convincing it sounds. I lived on Earth many times, and I might say, many times with Veronica. She knows me and I know her. We trust each other. Our aim is to rescue humanity and the planet. We have plans that you are not aware of, as yet. This is why there have been three attempts on Veronica's life in the last four weeks.
"You have the opportunity to create a better world. A world without corruption and without war. A world where love is valued and respected, where all live in peace. We can do it!"
Montague's Message for Sunday 28 September 2014
There is a great need for humanity to wake up. You are being sucked into another war by the LIES that are being told to you by the politicians. They just alter the wording each time. Are you so feeble-minded that you do not ask, "Why go back to kill those that you pretended to "rescue" last time."
You are your brother's keeper. The killing is being done in your name. All it will achieve is to buy the Cabal a little more time. Please do not turn a blind eye to the plight of those who are being slaughtered in your name, with bombs which are paid for by your taxes. Where is the LOVE in your lives? Have you forgotten that you should love one another?
Start with loving yourself, your family, your extended family, and your fellow man. Show that you care, by refusing to approve the invasion and killing of innocent people. It is hard to watch from this side of life, as we can only help you by exposing the truth, in the hope that you will take the time to investigate the facts for yourselves. How many times in your lives have the same excuses been presented to you? How many times have you had to face the terrible fact that you were LIED TO ? As the Cabal runs out of time, its LIES become more URGENT.
You are on the Earth for such a short time. You will have to live with the decisions you made whilst on Earth when you return to spirit. Your soul is forever; it supports you through many lifetimes. Your body, however, is of no consequence; it houses your soul whilst on Earth. Many souls have returned to the Earth to rescue it. They were in Atlantis when it fell. They do not want to see the same outcome for Planet Earth again. They are connecting from all over the world and they recognise each other and work together to protect humanity. Please be mindful of the fact that some have been fooled by beings who pretend they bring information from spirit. There is no hierarchy in the world of spirit, so those who give themselves elevated titles are suspect. There is no substance in there channellings.
Humanity is in a dire situation. It must not be lulled into a false sense of security, no matter how convincing it sounds. I lived on Earth many times, and I might say, many times with Veronica. She knows me and I know her. We trust each other. Our aim is to rescue humanity and the planet. We have plans that you are not aware of, as yet. This is why there have been three attempts on Veronica's life in the last four weeks.
The planned visit to Ireland was sabotaged. The Cabal FEARS it: what does that tell you?
She is trying to find a way to get there but she needs protection. First, she needs to recover, but she is no spring chicken. Her spirit is willing, but her flesh is weak and needs to recover. She will set up the Centre in Ireland with your help, and this will help humanity to cope when the Transition occurs. There will be Centres all over the world. You have our word on that. The lies put about by the Cabal and those who serve it, about Veronica, have been vicious and totally untrue. Beware of those who spread such lies. They do not have your best interests at heart. Through the Centres, humanity will be helped to construct a new way of life, with respect for all living creatures being paramount. Together we will do it.
Veronica was impressed by the MICHAEL TSARION exposé on the manipulation of humanity. I implore you to take the time to watch it and see how you are manipulated. This is Tsarion at his best. His work is of great importance.
The Age of Manipulation (Michael Tsarion)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
This is the control system that binds and controls you, exposed and explained. Please take note of it. Your very existence is at stake. The solutions are in your own hands. We in Spirit, can guide you, but you need to take action yourselves. Closing your eyes to it will not make it go away.
You have the opportunity to create a better world. A world without corruption and without war. A world where love is valued and respected, where all live in peace. We can do it !
It has been a very difficult time for you, my dear. Your spirit is strong. You know we will succeed. The month of October will bring many changes. Be on guard at all times. The light is spreading, and soon the dark will be overtaken by the light.
Forever, your adoring, Monty.
Please understand that because of the attacks on my life, it has not been possible to reply to emails. The battle has been brought to my doorstep. It is relentless.
However, I shall not give up. Together, we will succeed.
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