veterans_today_stuart_jeanne_bramhall_banner_2Somehow, this one is quite BIG. The constitution requires 2/3 of the states, namely, 35, to call a constitutional convention. And there are 38 who want this!! (of course, Hawai'i is not one, but that may be due to it's "independence" from falling in line with everything the USA Corp. doe; but also because now the consciousness of "The Kingdom of Hawai'i" is growing in leaps and bounds, and no one in the Kingdom cares about any constitutional convention since Hawai'i never was a state, and never was a part of the USA) (see the Kingdom of Hawai'i series for more on that, and check out the flyers).


38 States Call for Constitutional Convention

Can Red and Blue States Unite to Save Democracy?
… by Dr. Stuart Jeanne Bramhall

One news item receiving virtually no corporate media attention is that thirty-eight state legislatures have officially requested a constitutional convention under Article V of the US Constitution. There has only been one constitutional convention – the first – in 1787. Article V requires Congress to call a constitutional convention if 2/3 of (34) states request one.

Most, but not all the resolutions are from red states calling for a balanced budget amendment. However two blue states, California and Vermont, have requested a constitutional convention to end corporate personhood and restrict corporate funding for elections.

Tallying the numbers is a bit complicated. According to the Congressional Record, forty-nine states* have requested constitutional conventions. Eleven of these forty-nine states later rescinded their requests.