20140823-150616.jpgThese days are quite a treat. So much is "going on", "coming out", "being revealed".... Very thrilling... if one is in a place to accept "the thrill of it all."

While speaking with someone earlier, I realized we have lots of choices right now, where to be, what to do, what to spend our energies on.

There's parades of Light you can watch, and/or be a part of, parades of darkness, parades of shadow, parades of money, parades of power, parades of name-calling, parades of info, parades of dis-info.

The last one could be called a DIP... "Dis-Info Parade". There's lots of those going on now... out there, yes. But also, in here... if one allows it.

I'm not partaking of the DIPs right now. In the end, even though a DIP may pass my way, into my view, I'm staying in my place of Peace. Within...

And that's what the "Time to Shut Up" is all about!

Aloha, KP