veterans_today_jim_dean_banner_7There are many similarities between what these commanders report here and the situation in Hawai'i (and I'm sure many other cabal-illegally-occupied countries as well). These two gentlemen surely have a difficult mission, but the bottom line is this: they will honor and protect their homeland at any cost.

I do not usually watch interviews with military anybody, but these two, in this video, I found very worthwhile listening to. (Be sure the CC is clicked "on", and select the language of the captions in the scroll box.)

[Note: I've removed most of the photos, so go to the original article to see the full gallery.]


Donetsk Cmdrs. Press Interview on their Counterattack

[Editors Note:  As you watch the video of these two commanders, which I guarantee is worth your time, notice their brass, no stage acting.

These people are the real deal. You will not see a bit of this on Western media as it refutes their propaganda completely.

This is proof that they know what is really going on, who are the aggressors against who...and have sided with the aggressors. It is that simple.

And the media is getting away with it as they have not been buried under in phone calls and emails from the public letting them know we are onto their scam.