veterans_today_jim_dean_banner_5This is an article I'm linking to at the end of this post. I was primarily struck by Mr. Dean's comments about the article itself.

"We had two victories in the current tragedy, missed by the dyed-in-the-wool Obama haters -- Ben Gurion Airport was boycotted for a few days in response to the rude stiff-arming the Zios had given Kerry, Obama, and the American people who were funding the current Gaza human turkey-shoot.

"Israel parried... by deploying its substantial Congressional sock-puppet brigade. But as world outrage continued to grow, there was a shift in the earth's orbit. Britain said it would discontinue arms export licenses to Tel Aviv if hostilities resumed. And then Obama played a huge card... announcing a freeze on Hellfire missile shipments to Zio-land."


[Editor's note: An American version of how Uri describes the Gaza conundrum as this point would be the tar baby in the briar patch children's story from the Uncle Remus book, published in 1881.

The doll made up of tar and turpentine was used to entrap Br'er Rabbit, where he got more entangled the more he fought.

But there are two Br'er Rabbits in the current and very real story... Zionist Israel, and semi-Zionist America. We have an American President who is not a Tar Baby lover, but has a Congress who is, so he can only get the tar off his hands a bit at a time.

We had two victories in the current tragedy, missed by the dyed-in-the-wool Obama haters -- Ben Gurion Airport was boycotted for a few days in response to the rude stiff-arming the Zios had given Kerry, Obama, and the American people who were funding the current Gaza human turkey-shoot.

Israel parried that move by deploying its substantial Congressional sock-puppet brigade. But as world outrage continued to grow, there was a shift in the earth's orbit. Britain said it would discontinue arms export licenses to Tel Aviv if hostilities resumed. And then Obama played a huge card... announcing a freeze on Hellfire missile shipments to Zio-land.

This so shocked the Lobby that their response was delayed for a bit, but they counter-attacked, as usual. No American president had played the weapons boycott card, not even on one weapons system, to make a point. Obama did it, with election season right around the corner.

The idiots who call him a Zionist puppet are either idiots themselves or controlled opposition for the Lobby.

If Romney had won, he would have had live-action TV screens in the waiting rooms of the White House offices so visitors could watch the live Gaza slaughter to see what a good job he was doing.

Most of us at VT are livid at Obama's Syria and now Ukraine debacles, but not over what he has done so far at resolving the Iran nuclear standoff and this attempt to not be completely neutered by our own Zionist Congress. We see no point in broad-brush bashing. We would tell him all this to his face, and we would be credible… Jim W. Dean


Eyeless in Gaza
by Uri Avnery