David_Wilcock_Search87Thanks to RMN, I found this just now, so I'd better post!! This is not only the radio show (from 6-20-14), but a rather extensive article as well.

I'm only posting the text here, so to view the entire article with images and links, please go to the article. The show audio is at the bottom, but I'll post the link here, and an audio player. David comes in at about 5:30. This show was recorded on 6-20-14.




FULL EPISODE of David on Coast: The Global Initiation

Enjoy David's long-awaited comeback to Coast to Coast AM as a full-length guest, discussing the global initiation we are all moving through, how it is being generated by mysterious cosmic forces, and what we need to learn from it today!


There is no question that we are experiencing a worldwide economic crisis. We can now correctly call it Great Depression II, or GDII.

In hindsight, this appears to have started with the dot-com collapse of 2000. It has dramatically accelerated since the subsequent, larger collapse of 2008.

It was announced this week that 35 percent of all Americans -- one out of three adults -- are being called and harassed by bill collectors for debts.

This is concentrated most strongly in the Southern and Western states, with nearly 45 percent of people in the largest Texas cities being pursued.