This interview was carried out on 8-1-14. I have posted a few paragraphs of the transcript, the rest may be view at The Promise Revealed.
Audio may be listened to at The Promise Revealed. There was much information presented here, as well as answers to questions, which many may find helpful.
The audio files are not downloadable you must listen to them here on this site. If you try to listen on an IPad or mobile phone these are big files and you may have problems. You may download the transcript or the youtube videos of this interview as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience.
August Interview 2014
August 1, 2014 – Interview with COBRA by Rob Potter
(audio transcript by DaNell Glade)
Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Victory of the Light radio show. I'm your host Rob Potter. This is a pre-recorded interview with Cobra, voice modulated. I want to thank you all for your patience for this show. Cobra has been in Taiwan for a long time. We had to post pone the interview ti the first of August. There's a lot of technical things that have to take place for this to happen. It takes time for the transcripts and we're getting this up as fast as possible. . I think you'll find it an interesting show. It will put things in perspective for those of you who like to react. For those of you who like to sit in the horror movie and then every time someone gets scared look to see what Cobra says. This interview is designed for those of you light workers to remain calm and to have the knowledge of what is going on and to begin to provide the solutions. I'd like to thank Ricky Seraphico our pleiadians light worker, music producer and musician. He has a new song for us which is called Silver Clouds. It's in the 432 Love frequency Hz. You will hear it after the interview. You heard before the interview in 432 Hz the beautiful song called Battle for Gaia. Ricky works tirelessly and I want to thank him for taking the time to create this beautiful sound edited version of this Cobra interview. Everyone has commented that this is the highest quality interview that's happened in Cobra interviews and we plan to keep it that way. We plan to keep it that way. I'd like to thank Terry Myata who was very instrumental and helpful in helping us get through some technical issues this time, as well as the beautiful DaNell Glade, the leader of the http://www.prepareforchange.net financial group who is responsible for the transcription and of course the ever talented, ever creative smally who takes care of the youtube creative aspect of this show. My web site http:// www.thepromiserevealed.com which you are on if you're listening to this has many other wonderful pages and information. I hope you'll sign up for my blog and for my newsletter and be checking out my site. I do work very hard here and we do appreciate any business on any of my wonderful products. We have the golden eagle special – the quantum entanglement hologram on sale right now. http://http://thepromiserevealed.com/quantum-entanglement-holograms-2014/ We also have many wonderful products available that you can enjoy. If you enjoying the web-site and there's any questions, please feel free to reach out to me through contact. I'd like to help you. Excuse me for that little infomercial.
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