kathryn_may_1This message spends some time discussing the impending (it seems) currency revaluation. But she has a view of the cleansing of the planet that I have not heard before. I will not judge this, just present it to all for their discernment.

"...the exchanges will benefit the local banks and economy. This is the purpose, of course. The large banks have proven themselves to be dishonest at many levels. We prefer for you to avoid them if possible, or abandon them immediately after your exchange...

"Those who remain on the New Earth will live under very different circumstances. After the Ascension of all who are now on the path toward Light, Mother Earth will renew herself, restoring her pristine beauty. It will truly be a Paradise on Earth. All of you reading this who aspire to ascend will be able to return to Earth, either within the Hollow Earth or on the surface, to enjoy the fruits of your many lifetimes of work. It will be a truly glorious time.

"Do not mourn for the planet you have known, Dear Ones. It is the end of the era of smokestacks, corporations and banks. None will be needed in the new higher dimensional Earth existence."


Part 197: "Father God Addresses Our Final Choices"

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD, January 29 2014

Dearest Ones, I have some further information for you.

Concerning your participation in the coming revaluation of currencies, I encourage you to establish a relationship with a bank you trust - especially smaller local banks and credit unions.

Lady Portia, you are thinking about your home bank. That would be a very good place to start. You have a personal relationship. That will allow you to communicate with the banker in such a way that you will know the policies before you exchange, because he is an honest person. This will be a very good approach for others as well.

Talk with him and with your credit union. You will be able to establish close relationships with them, and the exchanges will benefit the local banks and economy. This is the purpose, of course. The large banks have proven themselves to be dishonest at many levels. We prefer for you to avoid them if possible, or abandon them immediately after your exchange.

Now, about your Adamos (St. Germain). You have not heard from him much because he is "leading the troops" in this very crucial time. They are working round the clock to make the RV happen, but to do it in such a way that all who can be caught in the net will be. It is a very large number now, those who have betrayed their fellows by taking the path of greed rather than love.

Yes, we are sorry to see so many disqualifying themselves, just as we were sorry to see our children of the Reptilian race making the same decision. This group are now separating themselves into 2 or 3 groups - those who have committed heinous crimes against humanity by carrying their greed to such extremes that they knowingly caused large numbers of people to be placed in situations of great hardship, poverty, and even starvation, and those who have stood by or played minor roles in the greed game.

Some of them - those who have no remorse - will have to be...what you might term...dissolved, as the Reptilians of equal Darkness were. Others who show even a glimmer of remorse and the wish to continue their lessons, will be taken to the alternate planet, where they will be treated to the experience of living exclusively with their own kind.

The planet where they will be taken is one without the guiding essence of the soul. It is, in effect, a dead planet, so there will be no suffering on the part of the planet. We could not subject a living planet to the kind of abuse they have inflicted on Mother Earth again. Their destructive practices will be felt immediately because there will be no healing presence to counteract it. This will be a great shock to those who took for granted that the planet would always recover, although they did not acknowledge the reason for that recovery - the presence of a nurturing and loving Mother soul who was dedicated to providing abundantly for all within her care.

They will learn quickly when they see they must live with their own destruction. And so, justice is done, without punishment or special privileges for anyone. All must make their own choices about where they will end up.

Those who remain on the New Earth will live under very different circumstances. After the Ascension of all who are now on the path toward Light, Mother Earth will renew herself, restoring her pristine beauty. It will truly be a Paradise on Earth. All of you reading this who aspire to ascend will be able to return to Earth, either within the Hollow Earth or on the surface, to enjoy the fruits of your many lifetimes of work. It will be a truly glorious time.