20140128-093334.jpgThese links are from a couple places I've noted from the Internet, via various postings.




Now, here's the deal, I'm simply putting these out for those who wish may take a look, for awareness only.

And here is the text of an email sent to Mieke, who also pointed to one of the same links.

"You have affirmed my Guidance [from] yesterday to post some information about this today.

"I've read a couple of the articles, including the link you gave) and my sense was that it is an opportunity to come together in Light, prior to and on that day (as [the] Monty [Montague Keen] message suggests). That will not allow the so-called "Treason Bowl" event to occur.

"My sense is, that dark-intended event will not come to pass.

"Just be prepared to hear a swear word or two coming from certain "dark-intenders" after their plans poo out!!

"Love and aloha, KP "