image This message via Kathryn felt very right for this moment. (

"Soon, the changes across the planet will come, faster and more abruptly than you could have imagined.  We have declared that WE ARE FINISHED waiting for Earth's squabbling governments and ruling families to come to terms with the fact that IT IS DONE...

"And so it has been decided, with the support of Prime Creator, that Planet Earth would be freed from the destructive grip of the Dark Ones.  She will never again be permitted to suffer nuclear explosions, chemical poisonings, deep well drillings and mountain-top decimation.  Nuclear weapons have all been permanently neutralized.  Toxic spills are being cleaned up with the help of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters, and those industries that have so tortured your dear Mother Earth will find themselves unable to continue to operate.  This includes all who produce genetically engineered foods and chemical fertilizers.

"The Animal Kingdom will no longer be permitted to suffer in zoos, factory farms or breeding mills.  All will be released and taken to be cared for in safe and comfortable environments where they can adapt to the changing energies.  They will all eventually  take their places as the free-roaming friends and peaceful inhabitants of the planet...

"It has now been decided that the conduct of the affairs of planet Earth can no longer be left to the mercies of those currently in power.  Free will is a privilege and responsibility that has been relentlessly abused.  Decisions are still being made on the basis of the most profitable outcome rather than the Greater Good. WE WILL NO LONGER PERMIT THIS.  NO ONE WILL BE PERMITTED TO ABUSE OTHERS FOR PROFIT OR FOR POWER."

The New Declaration of Independence for Planet Earth

We are very aware of how upset many people are at having been told every week that this would be the week for the first Prosperity funds to be released to the Lightworkers.  We are also aware of how many of you have exhausted your funds in a way you would not have done if you had not believed they were coming.

We do understand that it is a matter of faith that you used your resources in generous and liberal ways to bring pleasure to your families, yourselves and others.  Many of you have worked at what you love without pay, or with very little.  You are talented and resourceful people and would have been able to earn large salaries if you had pursued the money path rather than a spiritual path. 

It has caused much concern in the Lightworkers' community to know that there are so many who are losing their houses, closing their businesses and forgoing many things in order to continue their connection to the greater project - working on themselves, offering to be of service to others, and pursuing their studies to raise vibrations to prepare for Ascension.

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