
Yes, this is the day of transition. So I got up quite early (5:30AM), and walked in to Java.

I love the sights along the way. The ocean, Hualalai volcano in the background. And the waves have been quite huge the last few days.

The only thing about any place I've lived, however, is that I've always remained open to the idea of moving... away from that place. And the only thing "worse" than having to leave a place I've loved, is the feeling of being trapped in it... of seemingly that place being the source of me. I'm not going into any of that metaphysical stuff here, but I can tell you that, several months ago (after the 12-12-12), I knew my work over here (in this now-type moment), was finished.

From this island, I go to Turtle Island. Just a few more miles between the edges than the Big Island, but it's still an island. A planetary island.

So we'll see what happens over there... after I get there.

In the end time here, I thank all of you for reading this blog and sharing your selves, as and sometimes your resources, with me. The blog will remain up after I leave, and I intend to post occasionally as I move around the Turtle.

Thanks especially to T&G who have provided their home as a "transition arena" for me and my things. And for everyone on the Big Island who has been part of my life here. And thanks you to the many on Turtle Island who have offered your homes to me as potential resting sites. How grateful I am for that!

And thank you to all of you who have read (and will continue to read) this blog. There is more to BE, and to be "done", energetically, at least, and we are all a part of that.

Aloha to all,