gaiaportal_logo33This is quite the message from GaiaPortal, as it clearly seems to align with the exposures/disclosures of information as described in the last post.


"Consolidation of Energetic Grid Patterns has led to Openings of Formerly Restricted Portals"

Consolidation of numerous Energetic Grid Patterns has led to openings of formerly restricted Portals of Apocalypse (Portals of Unveiling). Light from the New Grids is now available to, and being sensed, at some level, by all upon Gaia.

Crossings of barriers is no longer required for Ascension pathways to be reached. Energetics now favor mass ascension of the inner Spirit.

Dark intentions are no longer veil-able, as the grid pattern consolidation enables complete Higher Light transmission throughout, and within, the planet.

All paradigms of domination and non-Higher-Self-reliance are dissolved.

Illumination of Higher Self now occurs within all, for all.