This felt like something that wanted to go up here today. So here it is. I suppose it's a bit related to an earlier post here, "A Post About 'Unity'".

First of all, that title could also read, "Hold the Light (and Pass the Fresh Fruit, Bananas, Papayas, Organic Yogurt, and Goji Berries...)". I didn't intend to leave those people out. But sometimes I just love a certain ice cream. Natural Vanilla with a scoop of Nutella on top... Ahhhhh....

This "Hold the Light" thing is a little different for everyone. We may hold it in slightly different, or even major-ly different, ways. Some are drawn to the inner meditative "Holding the Light", others to more outer, "doing stuff" "Holding the Light". Some work in a more solitary "Holding the Light" way, others work in an "I'm working with a group" "Holding the Light" way. Some will operate in a "stay mostly at home" "Holding the Light" way, others operate in a "traveling all over the world" "Holding the Light" way.

So there are a variety of ways. At least from my view, and from my experience.

You know, I thought I'd have more. Oh yes... here it is...

As the November 6 U.S. elections approach, I felt it is most helpful to the planet to hold all of that in the Light of the Vision for the New Earth we are collectively manifesting. Personally, I want to envision this election as bringing a "Victory for the Light", as Cobra often writes.

Anyway, that's a seed.