Whether all of what Ben reports here is accurate, I would say, time and the Light will tell. I do not align with Ben's apparent view that "Obama is a puppet of the Rothschilds and that's all he is".

[There is a note at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one can donate to his cause directly at benjaminfulford@gmail.com (via Paypal), should you feel the desire to do so.]


  • High level pentagon sources contacted the White Dragon Society this week to warn that the massive storm hitting the US North-East this week was a HAARP attack...
  • Lord James Sassoon has also been making astronomical bribe offers to a variety of Japanese politicians, right wing power brokers and gangsters as he tries to keep the Sassoon Asian empire afloat.
  • A group of young Chinese generals and industrialists too have come forward with offers of heavy support during the past week.
  • The Nazis under Bush are insisting that their man Romney be put in power...
  • They have targeted the North East of the US with a storm as a show of power and as a sign of their opposition to the Eastern establishment and their man Obama, the Pentagon source says.
  • Some of the Nazi demands were hand delivered to this writer in a letter... The main demand... is to allow the free energy technology to be released to the people of the planet.
  • The problem is in that years of research on this subject, nobody has been able to show this writer personally an actual working free energy device.
  • The map in the link [http://www2.ministries-online.org/biometrics/rome.html] shows the end game of the BIS led group... The titular head of the BIS is Ben Bernanke.
  • The Asian power brokers who approached the WDS representative in Indonesia last week were more of the mind to replace the entire top management of the planet and bring in new blood with new ideas.
  • The general impression from the flurry of contacts and threats last week is that there are now three main factions battling for control of the future of this planet.
  • If the elite try to again use mass murder and terror to control the poor, they and their extended families will be systematically hunted down and slaughtered.
  • The general understanding of the WDS and its allies, though, is that we have a clear choice between a win-win solution for everybody and a lose-lose solution for everybody.


Bush the boogey man plays the HAARP as Halloween approaches
by Benjamin Fulford 10-29-12

High level pentagon sources contacted the White Dragon Society this week to warn that the massive storm hitting the US North-East this week was a HAARP attack by the Nazi faction of the Western oligarchy. At the same time, the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu has been spotted off the coast of Aichi, Prefecture near the Nagoya headquarters of Toyota Motors. Nazi representative Richard Armitage and US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian affairs are in Tokyo now warning a massive new earthquake attack on Japan will take place as soon as they leave, unless they get their way, according to Japanese security police affiliated with the WDS.

Lord James Sassoon has also been making astronomical bribe offers to a variety of Japanese politicians, right wing power brokers and gangsters as he tries to keep the Sassoon Asian empire afloat.

A top source at the Bank for International Settlements also contacted with WDS with a combination threat/bribe.

A group of young Chinese generals and industrialists too have come forward with offers of heavy support during the past week.

All of these moves are...
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