At this moment, I have no idea what my next post will be or when it will come. I've been reviewing (looking at) a few things, news items, mostly, including some "wake-up" type articles (for example, on, and while there might be a lot of "great" information out there, I just can't get my mind into any of it.

I spoke to someone earlier, another Light-type-worker, who was experiencing similar "energetic challenger" things. And now I just heard from Luisa Vasconcellos (Mike Quinsey's collaborator) and she says HE's having energetic (well, computer) challenges, so no SaLuSa today.

I'm not going to try to explain it, or figure it out. I'm just going with it and not resisting it.

So this will probably be my only post for today. But maybe that will change before the night is out. It's that kind of day. Or night. What time is it, anyway?

This is probably all my (our) "fault". I (we) did all that energetic portal opening stuff last 9-9, so that Higher D energy is pouring in big time now through those darn expanded portals/ vortexes/ gateways, and all those brand new ones, too. Can't get away from that darn Light, darn it!!!

There's another mission that became clear to me yesterday, and that will be coming up. 10-10, 11-11, and that big one, 12-12-12. Triple "12"s... We've been waiting a few millennia for this one. All leading up to the 12-21-12.


After that, some say, the world ends, Jesus (and his wife) comes back on a cloud, and the Chicago Cubs finally win the World Series.

Well, that's all I can write today. I'm done. I'm even going to leave the comments open a day, because probably most of you have more to say than I do right now.

Aloha, KP

[comments open 1 day]