Why "IMPORTANT"? As I read this, along with several others, and along with the "revving" feeling mentioned in the "Just a Moment While the Engines are Revving", it actually is striking a chord within that says, yes, indeed, "It's Go Time".

The key of this for me was that this communication speaks of many of the specifics of the arrests which have begun, and will pick up in earnest, very shortly, in a "mass" kind of way. We knew this was coming. And the message here gives many specific recommendations as to how to deal with the rather mass-type "what the heck is going on" agitations many will feel. For those who have been asleep to all this, maybe it's a bit like the agitation some feel when one of those loud clanging bell alarm clocks goes off in the morning.

And although the message states, "mass arrests we have spoken of will begin in earnest", it seems to me something like these have already begun (Resigning bankers, anyone?). But maybe those are the "minor" mass arrests, in contrast to the "major" mass arrests. Or maybe the mass arrests of "minor" players, in contrast to the mass arrests of "major" players. Just arrest them all and get it over with!

Not to make light of these arrests, and the persons who will be arrested, but it is their own stubbornness to accept their lot and receive the Light which has brought them to where they are today. The message says, "This is the bed they have made for themselves and now they must lie in, and it will be quite some time before many of them achieve the necessary restructuring they need to again enter a society freely."

As spoken of before (and being in a hurricane zone, we here can relate), it may be helpful to have a few days to a couple weeks of food and supplies on hand in case of some disruptions in services during this process (and maybe a few gallons of gas, or as the revving post described, nitro for your dragster (and, hey, that's all figurative; I highly doubt that the Galactic systems of transport will involve burning nitromethane propulsion systems!).

"There will be certain events unfolding within the next few days that will alter the course of your lives on Earth. The mass arrests we have spoken of will begin in earnest, and we would suggest you prepare yourselves for this. We see some disruptions to some services, but not many as these beings are taken into custody, and we would like all of you who have informed yourselves of the importance of these events to share this information far and wide and also educate others as to their relevance.

"Be on the lookout for the initiation of these arrests that shall begin very soon. Our Earth allies are in place and are prepared to undertake this massive endeavor. Large numbers of men and even some women will be taken out of your society and into custody where they can no longer interfere with your lives and the proceedings of the events set to unfold in your world.

"Keep your eyes to your media outlets. It will soon become clear to you which companies have agreed to cover these events and which ones declined to be a part of this coverage. This will also give you a clue as to which media companies have agreed to align with your new system and even give you some insight as to which media companies will assist in the coming disclosure announcements...

"We assure you that you do not have long to wait now. The next phase of our operation is about to commence, and you will see just what we have been so busy with for many long months and years."


  • There will be certain events unfolding within the next few days that will alter the course of your lives on Earth.
  • The mass arrests we have spoken of will begin in earnest, and we would suggest you prepare yourselves for this.
  • Be on the lookout for the initiation of these arrests that shall begin very soon. Our Earth allies are in place and are prepared to undertake this massive endeavor.
  • Large numbers of men and even some women will be taken out of your society and into custody where they can no longer interfere with your lives and the proceedings of the events set to unfold in your world.
  • Humanity will be set free upon these arrests and this we feel is certainly a cause for celebration, and it is celebration we would be very pleased to see.
  • These arrests are an important step on your way to ascension and you... will immediately begin to reap the benefits
  • Many arrests will occur simultaneously, however, some arrests will follow on successive days.
  • Keep your eyes to your media outlets. It will soon become clear to you which companies have agreed to cover these events and which ones declined to be a part of this coverage.
  • Your new system will begin to come online within days of the removal of these obstacles who have thwarted every attempt at the initiation of the programs necessary to implement your new system. This is why they are being removed from your society...
  • Your society will also be shielded from these planners and schemers and be free to flourish to heights never before seen on your planet.
  • The charges against these individuals will be varied, and there will be many charges levied against many of them.
  • Please give us your support and demonstrate this support to others who will not immediately understand these proceedings... Assure them that all is well...
  • We have a long series of projects lined up that are ready for implementation, and we know many of you will be quite pleased and excited at what is in store for you... a new financial system...
  • Stay alert and remain vigilant for the launch of these arrests as prior word may not be given to you... we, as well as our Earth allies, have given our signals that we are all set to move ahead with the operation and we see no delays or stoppages to our mission.
  • Please inform as many as you can as to the nature of these arrests and what they mean to your society as to strengthen the impact of them, as the many projects scheduled to follow depend upon the mindset of your people.
  • Many other arrests will follow as well... we are confident these initial arrests will sufficiently clear the path for the initiation of the next phases of the overall operation.
  • We promise you dear ones this will be quite a show and well worth waiting for.
  • You will be kept abreast of any new developments and other plans for the next phases of the operation through our channels, and soon we will be able to begin communications with you through some of your cooperative media companies.
  • ...this day could not have been made possible without the tremendous efforts of all our agents in the field that we respectfully refer to as Lightworkers, and each and every one of you who have worked so hard to clear this path to your new reality.
  • Keep in mind as you proceed into the coming days and the events they will have in store for you that we wish you to remain calm and balanced and to respond to the call to assist your fellow human family members...
  • Your planet is now on a firm path to ascension, and you will soon be welcomed into your Galactic community.
  • This is an honor, and with this honor comes many new responsibilities and we wish you to know what this entails... no longer... the option to settle your differences with war... all the pollution of your world must be purified... you all begin to treat each other with the respect you all deserve.
  • Please understand, we do not wish to control you or force you to do anything you do not as a collective wish...
  • Please work with us as we do all we can to make this as smooth as a transition as possible, and please remember to look out for your fellow brothers and sisters who may need your assistance.
  • Remain patient. We assure you that you do not have long to wait now. The next phase of our operation is about to commence, and you will see just what we have been so busy with for many long months and years.
  • Until then, continue to do all you can on your side of the ball setting the table for these many connected events.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/19/12

You want answers. Please quite [quiet] yourself for a moment. There will be certain events unfolding within the next few days that will alter the course of your lives on Earth. The mass arrests we have spoken of will begin in earnest, and we would suggest you prepare yourselves for this. We see some disruptions to some services, but not many as these beings are taken into custody, and we would like all of you who have informed yourselves of the importance of these events to share this information far and wide and also educate others as to their relevance.

Be on the lookout for the initiation of these arrests that shall begin very soon. Our Earth allies are in place and are prepared to undertake this massive endeavor. Large numbers of men and even some women will be taken out of your society and into custody where they can no longer interfere with your lives and the proceedings of the events set to unfold in your world.

We would like you to know that great sums of time and effort have been put into the planning stages of these proceedings, and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, would like at this time to thank all our allies in the field who have dedicated so much of their lives to seeing this plan blossom. Humanity will be set free upon these arrests and this we feel is certainly a cause for celebration, and it is celebration we would be very pleased to see. Celebration will help to create the necessary energies that will allow others to feel what this event means to them, as many may be puzzled and even frightened by these proceedings.

There is nothing to be frightened about. These arrests are an important step on your way to ascension and you, as a society, will immediately begin to reap the benefits of their success. Many arrests will occur simultaneously, however, some arrests will follow on successive days. We will do our best to see to it that no disruptions to these arrests are made by outside influences such as the portions of militaries that have not aligned with the plans for your new Earth. They will also be dealt with in due time, but for now, we will simply keep them neutralized so they cannot thwart any of these proceedings.