alie_james_on_ocean_beach_4I sense that many will receive inspiration from this latest of Alie's letters in support of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. She shares her mana'o in her unique way.

She has also set up a Facebook page for the Kingdom ( along with a Wikipedia page for Edmund K. Silva, Jr. (

"Ali'i Nui Mo'i Keli'i Silva is an ali'i who understands (and lives) the meaning of pono, aloha, the kingdom path, the path of aloha, the spirit of aloha, and gentleness. I have studied all of King Keli'i's letters and documents, and I have concluded that he is the "grey champion" of our generation (or at least on behalf of Hawai'i Nei).

"It is my view that it is LOVE that is moving (and will continue to move) the Kingdom of Hawai'i forward; and when the Kingdom becomes fully restored, Aloha will spread all over the earth. Mother Earth is just waiting for this to happen. She is wishing to move from where we are, into this amazing new world, one that is full of ALOHA.

"It is my sincere belief that King Keli'i Silva, Jr. deeply understands that the way of the new world will be the Kingdom Path and he understands everything there is to understand about Aloha. He is here now, to help us (and the world) make this long awaited transformation."

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