GoodETxSG_gravatar_150_29I've also heard about this "2017" date.


Forum post #1220 (18th April 2015, 03:44)

[Q] "2017 is the official Cosmic Code name for the very latest, super improved CARROT ON A STICK!"

[GoodETxSG/Corey] This date comes up in the Interview with DW.

He has heard it from some of his other insiders (I have heard it mentioned recently as well). I warn of putting out dates as consciousness affects time and events. I do discuss however that there were multiple program documents that had a time "Window" of 2018-2023 that was very prominent and consistent throughout them.

Things have changed and the time table has sped up dramatically. I am not comfortable saying this makes 2017 an important year. Every year is an important year that has possibilities all based on our "Awake and Aware" status and how much we learn to consciously and positively work together with our "Mass Consciousness" to bring things into "Being".

So, 2017 could be a breakthrough year, 2015 or 2016 could as well. I wouldn't invest myself in dates but in the process of reaching the goal. IMHO.



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