lanny_sinkin_alii_manao_nui_shield_1This letter from Ali'i Mana'o Nui (Chief with great wisdom) Lanny Sinkin to OHA regarding a Pūwalu (coming together) "to discuss the diverse processes toward nation building". Here are highlights.

"OHA did not invite the Ali'i Nui Mo'i [Edmund K. Silva, Jr.] to the gathering. Why not?... Is the failure to invite the Ali'i Nui Mo'i predicated on his being highly critical of OHA and calling for the Trustees to resign?

"Given that thousands of people now believe that the Ali'i Nui Mo'i is the one who can restore the nation, how does OHA take it upon itself to ignore him and fail to invite him to the gathering.

"Of course, the true nature of the gathering is the real problem. A State of Hawaii agency is trying to take control of the discussion on restoration of the nation to serve the interests of the occupying power by pursuing destruction of the Kingdom. Not inviting the Ali'i Nui Mo'i is simply part of that overall betrayal of the Kingdom. We understand that you have no legitimate foundation, so you build your house on sand."