Ginger emailed this to me, and it sounded too fascinating to pass up. This is a more recent (today?) interview than his November review, and it sounds as if things are ramping up.

Caveat: the audio of this video is... what's the word?... TERRIBLE!!!! If you can bear with the doubly, echo-ey sounding voices, you are to be applauded, and may get something out of this (if I have a chance, I'll see if I can de-crappify this audio a bit).
COBRA - Mandela funeral a psyop - Galactic frequency shifts now favor the Event and fair new currency system

VANCOUVER, BC – Cobra, whose name is an acronym for "Compression Breakthrough", is a spokesperson for the multi-dimensional network the "Resistance". Cobra spoke at length in an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on breaking developments around the "Event", a Planetary liberation operation triggering a period of global transformation heralded as Earth's Golden Age.

In his interview, Cobra describes the processes of the "Event" and subsequent multi-dimensional transformation on Earth, a cosmic changeover prophesized in human history, as initiated on May 25, 1975 with the opening of a key interdimensional portal and culminating in 2025.


Financial reset and Event update

Cobra Blog...

COBRA - Mandela funeral a psyop - Galactic frequency shifts now favor the Event and fair new currency system