avalanche-300x225Just saw this article by Stephen about "The Avalanche of Truth". To me, this is a summary of the grand Christmas present we have all received this year, all through the year. I love what Stephen has assembled, and for those who may be questioning that, or asking questions like, "Well, has anything really happened to bring out the truth?", I would suggest reading this.


The Avalanche of Truth Has Finally Begun…
(Posted by Stephen Cook on December 24, 2013)

As we get to the pointy end of 2013, I'm personally delighted to see that it seems the avalanche of truth that we have long been hoping for – and have been told was coming – has finally begun.

The NSA revelations continue to fall out, day after day, courtesy of one very brave young man, Edward Snowden (see separate story below). Revelations of this. Revelations of that. More spying. More intrusive invasions of privacy for both public and private individuals. Foreign governments, leaders and even charities under the NSA surveillance' microscopes. And, yet, I just 'know, there is WAY more to come…on many levels.

We're also seeing the uncovering of many other truths, with the media covering some of the many cover-ups of recent years… 9/11. Lockerbie, corruption in governments around the world. Even forgiveness and debt forgiveness are now being talked about openly.

So, yes. it's Christmas and the truths are snowing down. Let's look at some of the various aspects of this avalanche of truth within the past two weeks alone.

This week, we've seen this major expose (1), NSA Declassifies Bush Era Documents – '"Bush Authorised Spying":

"The director of national intelligence on Saturday declassified more documents that outline how the National Security Agency was first authorised to start collecting bulk phone and internet records in the hunt for al-Qaida terrorists and how a court eventually gained oversight of the program, after the justice department complied with a federal court order to release its previous legal arguments for keeping the programs secret.

"James Clapper explained in a statement on Saturday that President George W Bush first authorised the spying in October 2001, as part of the Terrorist Surveillance Program, just after the 9/11 attacks. Bush disclosed the program in 2005."

Also in the past few days, we've seen a variety of stories which openly lay claim to the fact that what we've long been told about 9/11 – and which many, many people in their hearts and souls 'know' was not the truth – is starting to seep out – but now in the mainstream. We've now seen the Washington Post exclusive story (2) which claims the whole event was planned in cahoots with the Saudis. Well, this may be a portion of the truth, but at least the public is being made aware that there was "government involvement" in this world-changing, fear-evoking event; the greatest fear-evoking event in human history.